Dua To Remove Fear From Heart, A fearless heart is a noble one. Where there is no fear
there is Allah. Fear is like a disease which makes your heart ill for no reason.
There can be a fear of many things. If you have undue fear in your heart, you are tending
to worry a lot. Little things will set you to anxiety and you end up freaking out..
Caring is one thing. But, extreme of everything is harmful. Why is that every time,
when your children leave home you get overly worried? Spend hours standing in the
window waiting for them to safely return. Another name of life is a risk. We all
are at all times at a big risk.
Dua when afraid of someone
Your fear is making you the most vulnerable. It is the biggest hurdle in your progress.
A stop which you soon have to remove. There can be reasons for your fear. You can be scared
by your past experiences. There are certain things which might have happened and you do not
want them to repeat.
Allah is not unjust to anyone. He doesn’t give us the burden which we cannot bear. What has
happened has happened and it will not repeat. Nothing is constant in this life. Every bad phase
good phase does come. If you make your fear your constant companion, then you are making your
life really difficult.
We are blessed with this life only once. Then why not we live it to the fullest.
There can be one thing which haunts you. We all have fears. I have them and many
people around us have them. Make it the tiniest part of your life. And, work constantly
towards it and remove it from our hearts..
Dua to remove fear of enemy:
You cannot know what is going to happen in the future. Then there is no point
in sweating over it. This kind of thoughts scares us all. No matter how much
we try to make them go, they come back. Either you can control your fear or it
will control you. Before it gets on to you, you should attack it.
Dua To Remove Fear From Heart:
If you are scared of something then suddenly that thing comes to you,
dua to remove fear form heart, then you are very scared. You have been sitting alone
in a room for a long time, afraid of being afraid.
On the day when you are afraid of your fear, you can find the floor.
Some people are afraid of their office boss. So some children are afraid of their exams.
When you start feeling scared of something from someone, then you become very alone.
Do not talk to anyone. Many people use quran e pak to avoid fear. I pray to Allah.
To win from fear we have come to pray for you.
Are you crying all night, burning oil all night? Wazifa to Create Love in Someone’s Heart
Counting the stars and still waiting for your lost love to come back. Now stop all your worries!
dua for love to come back To make love in someone’s heart,
Dua when distressed
You are asking Allah SWT not to leave you to yourself because when you put your trust in Him,
your affairs will be okay. You may misjudge, be led by your desires, or lack wisdom, so you ask
the One who constantly manages the affairs of the world not to leave you to yourself.
O Allah, I hope for Your mercy. Do not leave me to myself even for a blink of an eye.
Correct all of my affairs for me. There is none worthy of worship except You.”
Dua to safeguard from anxiety and depression
This supplication is especially important during turbulent times of widespread economic
instability, public health crises, and general apprehension about what the future holds.
A believer can draw on their faith to prevent panic and maintain hope, finding solace in this
prophetic prayer. He or she knows that whoever seeks refuge in Allah is safeguarded by the Most
Merciful Protector and Wise Overseer.